Our Committee

Our club is run by a committee of volunteers. Contact details can be found below.

Latest minutes of committee meetings can be found here

Chair Lindsay Allix chair@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Vice Chair Jo Hibberd vicechair@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Secretary Jess Szymankiewicz secretary@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Club Captain Kiran Gammon
Safeguarding Anne-Marie Eveleigh safeguarding@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Safeguarding Corrina Corry
Treasurer Richard Murray treasurer@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Membership secretary Don Duffield membership@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Andreya Coomyer
Website Steve Banks contact@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Clothing rep Fiona Sturrock shop@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Awards Officer Annette Deasy
Equipment representative Jay Stirzaker
Equipment representative John Turner youth-kit@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Devon representative Joe Deasy
Nippers competition secretary Joy Burge competition@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Member representative Katie Stein
Member representative Nathalie Sayer
Member representative Nicola Oliver
Sections representatives
Nippers Jacqui Southam nippers@woolacombesurfelifesavingclub.org
Nippers Jason Smith
Youth Keith Gammon youth@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Seniors Skye Pirie seniors@woolacombesurflifesavingclub.org
Masters Keida Abram

Committee Links (password protected)

Competition entries


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